January 01, 2009

Simple Line Embroidary on Crochet

Tutorial on Simple Line Embroidary on Crochet

I like to highlight or add accents to a lot of my crochet pieces. At first I tried to embroider with an acutal outline stitch, but crochet is made up of a series of stitch (bumps) with holes inbetween for my yarn to get lost in leaving me with gaps in my outlines.

So I came up with this: In this example I am using a 4 ply yarn. I have the finished piece I want to "embroider" a line on like the finished line on the left of the piece. You begin on the wrong side and secure or knot the end of the black yarn. Then with a needle big enough to take the yarn (through its eye) I insert the needle and pull it through to the point where I want to begin my line.

I them insert the needle again, this time front to back and make a very short line or stitch (st). To make the next st I then insert the needle back to front above where my first balck st ended.

Here the black yarn has been pulled through to the right side and the needle has been inserted through the top of the previous st.

I then pull thorough to the back to complete my second black st.

This time to begin the third st of my line, I insert the needle at the same (sa) point (pt) where the last st I made ended. I then repeat steps 1-3 until I have finished.

Here is a finished example of my outline st:

I have used this tecnique to add defination to my kitty bag.

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