November 04, 2008

Sequin Hearts Wrap Free Crochet Pattern

Sequin Hearts Wrap Free Crochet Pattern


3 skeins Red Heart Luster Sheen yarn in white, 8 pkgs of 200 count 8mm crystal sequins, needle to take yarn and F hook or hook to obtain gauge.

GAUGE: 9 dc = 1-1\2”, (dc, ch-1) 3 times = 1-1\2”, 2 rows pattern = 1”

FINISHED SIZE: 11-3\4” X 42”


ROW 1: With white yarn and F hook ch-86, dc in 6th ch from hook, (ch-1, sk next ch, dc next ch) across, turn.

ROW 2-3: Ch-4 (1st dc + ch-1 sp), dc next dc, (ch-1, dc next dc) across, turn.

ROW 4 (1ST SEQUIN ROW): ch-4 (1st dc + ch-1), dc next st, (ch-1, dc next st), * slide sequin, dc next ch-1 sp, slide sequin, dc next dc *, rep bet ** 5 times, rep bet ()17 times, rep bet ** 5 times, rep bet () to end of piece, turn.

Continue in this manner across graph. Rep graph 3 times, do not fasten off.


RND 1: Ch-1. sc in ea st and ch-1 sp around working 5 sc in ea corner sp, sl st top beg sc, fasten off. (750 sts)

ROW 2: With rt side face, white yarn and F hook join in 3rd st of 5 st corner group so you will be working across one short side, ch-10, dc sa st as beg ch-10, * ch-2, sk next 4 sts, (dc next st, ch-1, sk next st) twice, dc next st, ch-8, sk 8 sts, (dc next st, ch-1, sk next st) twice, dc next st, ch-2, sk 4 sts, (dc, ch-7, dc) next st *, rep bet ** across short side, long side and next short side ending with dc, ch-7, dc) 3rd st of 5 st corner group of rnd 1, ch-4, turn.

ROW 3: 5 trc next ch-7 sp, * ch-2, sc 2nd dc, ch-6, sc in ch-8 sp, ch-6, sc 2nd dc, ch-2, 11 trc next ch-7 sp *, rep bet ** around working 6 trc in last ch-7 sp, ch-4, turn.

ROW 4: Trc 1st st, ch-6, trc sa st leaving last lp on hook, trc next 2 sts leaving last lp on hook, yo through all lps (cl made), ch-6, work 3 trc cl as before, * ch-2, sc next ch-6 sp, ch-6, sc next ch-6 sp, ch-2, 3 trc cl 1st 3 trc of 11 trc group, (ch-6, 3 trc cl) 4 more times always working 1st trc of 3 trc cl in last trc of previous trc cl *, rep bet ** ending (3 trc cl, ch-6) twice, ch-6, 2 trc cl in ch-4 turn, ch-4, turn.

ROW 5: (Dc, ch-1, dc, ch-1) 1st lp, * (dc, ch-1, dc, ch-1, dc, ch-1) ea ch-6 lp, sc, ch-1, ea ch-2 sp around ending with dc in last st, fasten off.

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