November 03, 2007

Crocheting with Chenille Stems

Crocheting with Chenille Stems

This month many of my designs require the use of chenille stems as part of "their body". (First picture is of Peppermint Swirl Candy Kids and the second is Gum Drop Candy Kids pattern at my website)
Chenille stems are easy to find. They are usually found in the Kids Craft area of most craft stores and Wal-mart.
They bend easy and hold their shape well. They are easy to cut with a pair of scissors, all through I wouldn’t recommend using your best pair, and they have no sharp edges.
They have no sharp edges that is until you cut them. Where the stem has been cut will be sharp and jagged and will poke through your crochet piece. I have come up with two ways to prevent this.
First way: Instead of folding the cut stem in half and then twisting to hold (see Candy Kids) find the center of your cut stem and fold each end toward the center and then twist. The twisting will cover the jagged end and will give you two rounded ends to insert into your crochet piece.
Second way: I call this the lazy man’s way. If you forgot or don’t want to go to all the trouble of finding the center, folding each end in...,etc, then fold and twist. Once twisted lay the cut end on a table or other hard surface, place your scissors over the cut end and press. It may take several attempts, but eventually all the jagged edges will be flatten and pushed to the inside of the stem.
I personally like the first way best. It takes less time and you don’t get poked as much.
I’d also like to add that I have found that it doesn’t matter what color the chenille stems are. I ran out of the white ones I was using and ended up using some black ones I had left from another project. I found that the cream and white threads covered the stems color completely. Great way to use up those odds and ends just laying around.

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