September 26, 2007

First Blues Christmas Tree Skirt Free Crochet Pattern

First Blues Christmas Tree Skirt Free Crochet Pattern

Here are the basic instructions:

4 ply yarn and size H hook or hook to obtain gauge.

GAUGE: 1 square = 2”


With H hook and yarn, ch-4, sl st to form a ring.

RND 1: Ch-1, (3 sc, ch-2) 4 times in ring, sl st top beg sc, DO NOT TURN.

RND 2: Ch-3 (1st dc), dc in next 2 sts, *(dc, ch-2, dc) in corner, dc next 3 sts, rep from * 3 times, (dc, ch-2, dc) last corner, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off. One block made.

JOINING RND: as in rnd 2, ch-3 (1st dc), dc next 2 sts, (dc, ch-1,) next corner, ch-1 in corresponding corner of block 2, dc in sa corner on block 1, dc next 3 sts, (dc, ch-1) next corner, ch-1, in next corresponding corner of block 2, dc in sa corner block 1, *dc next 3 sts, (dc, ch-2, dc) next corner, rep from * twice, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.


With H hook and color A, ch-4, sl st to form a ring.

RND 1: Ch-1, *3 sc, ch-2, 3 sc ch-1* join B continuing to work color A in back of sts, ch-1, rep between **, pick up A, ch-1, sl st top beg sc.

RND 2: Working color A & carrying color B behind worked sts: Ch-3 (1st dc), dc next 2 sts, (dc, ch-2, dc) next corner, dc next 3, (dc, ch-1) next corner, pick up color B, (ch-1, dc) sa corner, now working color A behind sts as you work dc next 3, (dc, ch-2, dc) next corner, dc next 3, (dc, ch-1) next corner, pick up A, (ch-1, dc) as corner, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.

Join as for basic block only continuing two-color block as established.

Half Block:

With yarn and H hook ch-4, sl st to form a ring.

Rnd 1: Ch-1 work 4 sc, ch-2, 4 sc in ring, turn.

Rnd 2: Ch-3, dc ea st and work (dc, ch-2, dc) in ch-2, sp, fasten off.

Joining is written to be done at corners only. If you would like to join all stitches simply make stitch, sl st in coresponding st in block to be attached, etc.

Work according to graph. I like to begin at the bottom and work my way up going left to right.


RND 1: With yarn and H hook, join in and st on outer edge of piece, ch-1, even work sc around afghan and working (2 sc, ch-2, 2 sc) in each corner, sl st top beg sc, ch-3, turn.

RND 2: Dc ea st around working (2 dc, ch-2, 2 dc) in each corner, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.

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