January 26, 2007
Dresser Scarf Crochet Pattern
8 1.75 oz balls White Luster Sheen yarn, size F hook or hook to obtain gauge.
SIZE: 8 1\2" X 68” (8 blocks)
Gauge: Block = 8 1\2” X 8 1\2”
ROW 1: With white and F hook ch-42, sc 2nd ch from hook, hdc next ch, * [sk next 3 ch, work (3 dc, ch-1, 3 dc) in next ch, sk 3 ch, hdc next ch], ch-1, sk 1 ch, hdc next ch, * rep bet ** 3 times, rep bet [] once, sc last ch, turn. (34 sts)
ROW 2: Ch-2 (counts as 1st sc), sc in 1st st, * [ ch-3, hdc into ch-1 sp, ch-3,] work (sc, ch-1, sc) in next ch-1 sp,* rep bet ** 3 times, rep bet [] once, 2 sc last st, turn.
ROW 3: Ch-3 (counts as 1st dc), 3 dc 1st st, * [hdc in next ch-3 sp, ch-1, hdc next ch-3 sp,] (3 dc, ch-1, 3 dc) in ch-1 sp, * rep bet ** 3 times, rep bet [] once, 4 dc in top ch-2 of previous row, turn.
ROW 4: Ch-1, hdc 1st st, * Ch-3, (sc, ch-1, sc) next sp, ch-3, hdc next ch-1 sp, rep from * ending with last hdc in top ch-3 of previous row, turn.
ROW 5: Ch-1, hdc 1st st, * [hdc next ch-3 sp, (3 dc, ch-1, 3 dc) next ch-1 sp, hdc next ch-3 sp,] ch-1 * rep bet ** 3 times, rep bet [] once, hdc in last st, turn.
ROW 6-21: Rep rows 2-5 in sequence. At the end of row 21, do not turn or fasten off.
Please note: from now on you are working in rnds, not rows.
RND 22: Ch-1, evenly sc in ea st and row around piece and working 2 sc in ea corners so that a count of 27 sts is on ea side, ch-1, do not turn.
RND 23: Ch-1, (sc, ch-3, sc) next st, * [ch-9, sk 5 sts, sc in next st, ch-3, sc next st, * rep bet ** twice, ch-9, sk 5 sts, (sc, ch-3, sc) next st (corner)], rep bet [] 3 times, rep bet ** once, ch-9, sk 5 sts, sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 24: Sl st to next ch-9 sp, * ch-1, work (5 dc, ch-2, sc, ch-2, 5 dc) in ch-9 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, rep from * around, sl st top beg dc, turn.
RND 25: Sl st next 6 sts, sl st next ch-2 sp, ch-1, * sc in ch-2 sp, ch-2, sc next ch-2 sp, ch-9, rep from * around ending with ch-9, sl st top beg sc, turn.
RND 26: Sl st next ch-9 sp, ch-1, * (5 dc, sc, 5 dc) in ch-9 sp, sc next ch-3 sp, rep from * around, sl st top beg dc, fasten off.
JOINING RND-RND 26: work as established in rnd 26: [5 dc in ch-9 sp, sl st in corresponding sc of 2nd block, sc in 1st block’s ch-9 sp, 5 dc in sa sp] rep bet [] 5 times to join blocks, then return to rnd 26 instructions.
Make 8 blocks (or number you need for your dresser) joining as you work.
Wet and block runner to get edges to lay flat.
FLOWER: With white yarn and F hook, ch-4, sl st to form a ring.
RND 1: Ch-1, work 15 sc in ring, sl st in beg ch-1.
RND 2: Working in the front lp of rnd 1’s sts, * ch-2, sc next st, rep from * around ending with ch-2, sl st bottom beg ch-2.
RND 3: Ch-2, sl st to back lp next st of rnd 1. You are working this rnd in rnd 1’s back lps. Ch-1, work 2 sc in ea st around, sl st bottom beg ch-1.
RND 4: Working in front lps of sts, sl st next front lp, ch-3 (counts as 1st dc), * hdc next st, sc next st, hdc next st, (dc, trc, dc) next st, * rep bet ** 6 times, hdc next st, sc next st, hdc next st, (dc, trc) in sa st as beg ch-3, sl st top beg ch-3.
RND 5: Working in back lps of rnd 3’s sts, ch-3, sl st next back lp, Ch-3 (counts as 1st dc), * hdc next st, sc next st, hdc next st, (dc, trc, dc) next st, * rep bet ** 6 times, hdc next st, sc next st, hdc next st, (trc, dc) sa st as beg ch-3, sl st top beg ch-3, fasten off.
Make a total of 12 flowers. Sew flowers in groups of three, alternating sides and blocks on runner.
Love these! I happened to already have several pieces of the Kaffe Fassett shot cotton at home, so I whipped one up last night. I’m thinking I need to make more as gifts.